聯絡方式 Contact
2958418026 (Simon莊先生) |
公司簡介 Our Company
閃家莊鑽石樓上店是一間香港註冊珠寶鐘錶零售店,主要銷售GIA 3EX(切工、拋光、對稱)高品質鑽石首飾。我們主要銷售鑽石:
Bling Family Diamond is a Hong Kong registered jewellery retail shop. Our main business is selling GIA 3EX (Cut, Polish and Symmetry) high quality diamond jewellery. Most diamonds we sell are:
其他業務範圍 Our Other Business
聲明 Announcement
Hong Kong is a society ruled by law. The right and benefit of the customer is protected by Hong Kong law. Bling Family Limited is a Hong Kong private limited company subject to legal supervision. Every customer needs to come to our shop before finishing the purchase process.